Cake smash sessions are always so much fun to plan and shoot. One year olds are really starting to showcase their personalities and winning them over to get real smiles always feels like a huge accomplishment.
I always start cake smash sessions with some more traditional type photos. Sometimes babies sit happily and others, like this guy, want to explore and roam. Either way is totally fine. My goal is to always capture babies and who they are, even if that means redirecting back to the set four thousand time during a session. Or finding props to help contain them.
This guy wasn’t super interested in smashing the cake with his hands. He was pretty cautious, but that’s why I always keep wooden spoons in my studio. Even when babies don’t want to get messy, they can usually be convinced to play with the cake with their spoon!
He finally decided that eating the cake was actually something enjoyable, but that spoon never moved far from his sight. Toddlers are so protective of their treasures – even if that treasure is something as simple as a wood spoon!
Eventually making a mess and painting the floor with cake and frosting became all the rage for this little guy. I never mind when babies make giant messes with their cake. It’s what makes the photos so much fun and cleaning up is part of what you pay me for! You just show up with your baby and their cake and I take care of all the rest. My favorite cleaning tip is using a squeegee to get cake and frosting off the floor. A simple one like this works perfectly.
Providing baby, kid, senior, and family photography for the Greater Cincinnati area since 2012
So much fun!
I have worked with other photographers in the past, and I’ve regretted it immensely. You have a real way of working with children, with such gentle patience.