I know it is said all the time, but Babies change in the blink of an eye. As a mom of three, I can attest to how accurate it is. You don't really realize just how accurate that statement is until you are on the other side of babyhood.
When they arrive, they so tiny and fragile and you can't imagine how that baby fit inside your body. But it feels like you blink and they are a toddler. Blink again and they are heading to their first day of kindergarten.
My oldest wasn't even six pounds when he was born. It feels like just yesterday I was carrying him around in a car seat. Now that sweet little baby is taller than me, and in less than a year he will be driving! .
All that remains from those first few months is pictures.
A newborn session is the perfect way to document just how small they are and preserve that memory for a lifetime. Picking a photographer for the job isn't easy, but with Drawing in Light Photography, you are putting your little one in good hands. I have over 10 years of experience and have photographed hundreds of newborns, I am trained in newborn safety and have studied under some of the top names in the newborn photography industry.
| 2-3 Hour Session
| Swaddled and Unswaddled Pictures
| Proofing Gallery
| 15 Digital Images
| Print Release
|60 Minute Session
| Swaddled & Lifestyle Poses
| Proofing Gallery
| Includes 8 Digital Images
| Print Release
Do you have a special hobby or career you want to incorporate into your session?
A special themed nursery?
Do you know your Hogwarts house?
(Me? I'm a Ravenclaw!).
I love creating these unique pieces of art that give you something extra special for your new little one. These magical images can be added on to either of the newborn packages I offer
What are Lifestyle Photos?
Lifestyle photos are capturing life as-is. It may be snuggling on the couch or on your bed with your whole family, rocking your baby in their nursery, or just holding and interacting with your little one. They are unposed, although I will give guidance to help you look your best!
What do I need to get ready for our session?
If I am coming to your home for a session, I will bring along everything we need for swaddled pictures of your little one. And if we are using a studio, I will have everything we need for our session together. Although if you have something special you'd like to incorporate into your pictures I am always happy to try and accommodate!
Can parents and siblings be in pictures too?
Absolutely! I always start sessions with parent, family, and/or sibling pictures. That way after your portion of the session is complete you can put your feet up and relax!
Who gets to pick which images are included in our package?
You do! After your session I look through all the images from your session. I delete any duplicates, images with awkward expressions, out of focus images, and any others that are not up to my professional standards. I upload all those images to a proofing gallery so you can see them all and choose which images you would like to include with your package. Additional images may also be available for purchase at that time as well.
What if my baby doesn’t cooperate?
Newborn sessions are very relaxed and laid back. I only schedule one newborn session a day, so you never need to feel rushed at your session. I follow baby’s lead through the session and take as many breaks as we needs for baby to eat or snuggle. If your little one still isn’t cooperating with our session even though all their needs are being met, there will be the option to try again another day to get enough images to fill your gallery.