Newborn babies are so sweet and adorable 95% of the time. But it’s that other 5% that can knock you on your butt and make even the most experienced parent feel flustered and overwhelmed. Add in a good dose of sleep deprivation and suddenly trying to keep a newborn happy and content feels like an unsurmountable task. Here are what six Cincinnati baby experts have to say.
“Listen to your body, rest as much as possible, drink more water, eat more protein, and accept any and all help offered! I would also recommend a baby carrier of some type! There are many readily available nowadays, and with so many types, there’s one for just about everyone! If you have a local babywearing group, they can be a great resource for trying different carriers and getting advice on making the carrier safe and comfortable for you and your baby.”
“My biggest advice would be to read up on what normal newborn behavior/eating/wake+sleep patterns are. So many times I take care of families & the second night (when babies are more alert, learning that being at the breast frequently through the night soothes them – cluster feeding) most parents are defeated. This is when most moms vocalize thinking their baby isn’t getting enough & end up thinking they need to supplement. It’s not a lack of supply. It’s babies wanting to be comforted by what they know best. I always try to shift perspective – for your child’s whole entire life, all they know is you. Your voice, your movements. You have been their whole entire world. Then suddenly, they enter this world where it’s cold, bright, and lonely. It takes time for them to adjust. So put that little one skin to skin (there’s no such thing as holding a baby too much) & keep them close.”
“You know your baby and body best. Develop and listen to those instincts that can guide you towards the best decisions for you and your family.”
“Understand things don’t always go as planned. Prepare yourself for the birth and feeding plan you want but don’t beat yourself up if things need modified. Breastfeeding is very hard for some at first, don’t give up! It’s something that once established and a routine is good, it comes easily after that. It takes timeeee. Bottle feeding is totally fine! A fed baby is a happy baby. Don’t go to the hospital right away, the longer you can labor on your own at home the better birth experience in my opinion. But again if there’s complications etc then be safe and do what’s best. Take help around the house etc as needed with the new baby once home, the first few weeks are literally exhausting.”
“Time. Give yourself time to learn, time to rest, time to go into labor, time to heal. Have resources lined up beforehand to HELP. I also suggest a lightweight baby carrier like the ones at and a windi from ”
“Read all the advice people give you. Read all the books and blog posts and talk to parents who have been there before. And then use the advice that works for you and ignore all the stuff that doesn’t work for you. You are the only one that knows what it’s like to parent YOUR child and there is no piece of advice that works for every single baby. Let yourself make mistakes and have loads of grace and patience for yourself and don’t be ashamed or afraid to ask for help!”
Here are some of my favorite newborn items I keep in my studio – lots of these are great for home use too!
And *of course* take ALL the pictures. Babies grow up so so so fast. I swear I blinked and my first born is getting ready to start high school! Cell phone pictures are great for the day to day things, but when you’re ready to book a professional photo session for your little one, hit that “contact me” button below and let’s chat!
Providing baby, kid, senior, and family photography for the Greater Cincinnati area since 2012