I first met this sweet boy when he was only days old. He was so sweet and squishy and adorable. Fast forward 11 months and this cutie is full of toddler boy energy! I was thrilled when his mom contacted me and asked to do a lumberjack cake smash session, and what a fun session it was!
When his mom pulled out the buffalo plaid diaper cover and bow tie, I thought I was going to die. Add in those suspenders and that hat and I could hardly handle the adorable-ness! He was such a good sport about all the accessories too. Most almost one year olds pull their hats off as soon as you put them on, but this guy left it on the entire session!
I get a lot of requests for variations on this theme. I’ve collected quite the assortment of props that coordinate, but I think this log is one of my favorites! It’s actually a planter but it looks so realistic! (And don’t worry, mom was right out of the shot just in case he started to fall – safety is always my number one priority during sessions!)
This little web chair is a new addition to my prop collection. I bought it with the intention of putting newborns in it, but it worked perfectly for this guy! And bonus, once he was in it he wasn’t totally sure how to get out again so we had a solid 5 minutes of him happily just sitting. This web chair is from Hello Little Props and if you’re lucky you might find it on their website at www.hellolittleprops.com
At first this guy wasn’t sure he was allowed to just dig in. He would touch the cake, look at us, and skeptically touch it again. Eventually he decided he wasn’t going to get in trouble for digging in and dig in he did! He was covered in frosting and cake in no time.
Just look at those handfuls of cake and frosting he was getting! I was laughing so hard and he was so excited.
As his interested started to dwindle, I brought out a wooden spoon for him. I always keep a stash of spoons for cake smash sessions. Sometimes babies aren’t interested in cake at all or loose interest. That’s totally normal – but there’s nothing like a big spoon to bring their attention back to the set!
In total, our session only lasted around 30 minutes. But look at all these images we got! Photography sessions with toddlers should be fun, so I always work quickly and follow their cues. Once they start showing signs that they are done and ready to do something else we finish up. And with this session, we finished up by giving him the toy ax prop that fit in perfectly with his theme. A few last cakey images and we wrapped it up! Such a fun and successful session!
Providing baby, kid, senior, and family photography for the Greater Cincinnati area since 2012